Thursday, July 1, 2010


I'm a comic book geek.

One thing that I can't stand is a lot of other female comic fans. There are some cool ones that I get along great with, but I run in to two of the most annoying kinds: the "please pay attention to me in my slutty costume" girls & the feminists.

I have some semi-feminist leanings, but it mostly relates to my hatred of girls that have to be slutty for attention or being told I can't do something because I'm a girl. I'm aware that there are things I cannot do because my body wasn't designed for it (not counting the EDS).

I've been looking around for some new series to read since most of mine have been cancelled and I stumbled across a girl's blog about comics. She's a self-proclaimed feminist, but she makes NO sense...

Example: Her complaint about these pictures is that these are unrealistic costumes.

Catwoman can't possibly jump around in this with the zipper down because her boobs would cause problems.

Yes, but she can zip it up. She's covered otherwise. Maybe she's hot?

Supergirl shouldn't wear a skirt! She flies! Pervs will look up! Cropped shirt & boobs!!!
She's wearing something like lollies under the skirt. It's no different than the ones that wear the onsie style suits, just no skirt. Recently they've started making the lollies more like shorts. Honestly, I'm not a fan of Supergirl at all, but it's obvious that she's not just wearing underwear under the skirt. As for the boobs, just be glad they're not hanging out under the shirt.

I agree to an extent regarding the boob issue. Many artists tend to make them ginormous in the most bizarre way. I usually make fun of them and walk away since they've obviously never seen real boobs in their life.
Oddly enough, this girl has no issues with these pictures:

How are these not considered not realistic? No amount of tape could hold either on in a fight! It's all skin with cloth censor bars! Is it so ridiculous that it's OK?

I'm normally not preachy like this, but I don't understand the way people think sometimes. I do get tired of seeing tons of boobage in comics or at conventions. I make fun of those people, loudly. A few years ago, I informed a girl that she should retire her Power Girl costume as her boobs resembled deflated balloons and she did not fill out her costume properly.

Power Girl is busty:

A deflated balloon
Another thing we can't stand are booth girls. These are "models" (really strippers w/ the afternoon off) who are brought in to attract attention to a table. Sometimes they're dressed as a character, but most of the time they look like strippers who got lost and ended up at a comic con. Much to our delight, this practice seems to be going away. It only works for a minute until the guys talking to them realize that they know nothing about the comic they're calling attention to or anything else.

My friends and I really aren't as bad as I make it sound. This is over the course of several years and only when we feel they deserve it. If someone just has a bad costume, we usually keep our comments to ourselves.

Despite being distracted by the confusing feminist comic fan, I found a few things that I'm going to try to locate tomorrow:

I'm more of a mainstream DC/Marvel fan, but I love Darwyn Cooke's artwork. He didn't do the artwork inside i Zombie. It's also not available in trade, but I'm hoping to find #1 with the alternate cover to hold me over until the trade is available in March.

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