Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have a tendency to keep to myself at work. I'm not antisocial...I'll chat and am polite and friendly to everyone. I have work friends that change with every location I'm sent to. We may get lunch together or go shopping, but we don't really socialize outside of work. Past experiences have not be all that great, so I'd rather explore a city on my own and go "home" and read, play on the computer and watch TV or a movie.

Pretty normal, right? Most people have work friends & home friends.

Well, most people are into whatever is at the local megaplex. I don't see many "modern" movies. I don't really enjoy most of them. They're not very original and rely too heavily on effects. There are some movies that benefit from effects. Iron Man was fun. It's a comic book movie and there are a lot of "unrealistic" elements in the comic book world.

They do have a theatre here that shows old movies weekend mornings (next weekend they're showing "North By Northwest"). No one will go with me, especially after my rather negative review of "The Hangover." Now I'm an "elitist snob."

I'll just go by myself. I've been a few times and have chatted with a few people there and they've seemed like nice people, but that has gotten me into trouble before. When I let my guard down, that's when the creeps show up. It would be nice to have a movie buddy. At home, we see a movie and go out to eat after. I miss that.

Enough rambling for now...Sleep and maybe I won't be so disjointed in my next post.

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