Saturday, April 24, 2010

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I was so excited for this book to come out! I thought the idea was great and the trailer was a lot of fun. The trailer is here.

The book is written using excerpts of Lincoln's private journals that were said to be lost. The Introduction explains how these came into the hands of the author.
One thing that I was concerned with was how much time would be spent on Lincoln's political career and thankfully, it was brief. Politics bore me, so I was happy to not have a detailed description of campaigning, etc.

It starts with Lincoln's childhood, his family life and his first encounter with a vampire. From this point on he swears he will hunt down every vampire and kill them. His first attempt is successful, but the second does not go as easily as he planned. He is rescued by a man named Henry, who nurses him back to health and teaches him about vampires and better methods of eliminating them.

Lincoln continues to work hard during the day and at night, he hunts.

The author does a good job of adding the vampire hunting aspect of his life to facts, but changing a few things to fit. People in his life will die from vampire attacks instead of tuberculosis. It's done very well.

I'm not sure how much Southerners would enjoy this. It's written from a Northern perspective and the Confederates are in league with the vampires. I know some people take that pretty seriously down there and probably wouldn't appreciate themselves being portrayed as traitors to the human race.

There is a minor amount of gore, which is to be expected when killing anything, but it's not overdone or overly detailed. It's a very fast read (I got through it in 3 days) and doesn't have any points that drag. There are some photographs included that have been Photoshopped to fit with the vampire theme and they add to the fun.

I have a tendency to get excited about things and be let down by them, but this did not let me down at all. I enjoyed it just as much as I hoped and highly recommend it.

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