Friday, April 2, 2010

The pain continues...

The follow up appt was OK. He spoke with my doctor at home and I need to go see him next week. I'm at home now. I'm running out of time off from work, but if the pain doesn't subside any, I may need short-term disability. I'll worry about that later. I did go back to work Thursday. The pain was awful. I took my maximum on my pain meds and it didn't help. Elle and HR lady helped me to my car. Once I got home and laid down for a bit, I felt better.

We were off today & I was already planning to go home this weekend for Easter and to go to the Pirates home opener on Monday. I'll just be staying longer now. I stopped on the way to pick up the hat I saw at Target the other day. There were only 2 left and I look good in it for once. It's black, but I think I'll wear it to Mass on Sunday. It has a 20's feel to it, so I'll have to find something to wear with it. I may add a ribbon or flower to it to make it more Springlike. We'll be going to St. Stanislaus Kostka for Polish Mass. It was our family's church for a very long time, but as we moved further out into the suburbs, it was out of the way. I prefer to go there, it's a neat place and if you're ever in Pittsburgh, you should check it out.

It took me almost 9 hours to get home. I kept stopping so I could move around. During one of my PA Tnpk stops, I managed to pop my hip out and fell getting out of the car. An elderly man came over to see if I was OK and helped me up. Sadly, this happens to me a lot. Aren't I supposed to be the one assisting the elderly? My most useful service is getting things from a high shelf. I'm sure they're going to miss that at work, too. Our microwaves are kind of high and I'm frequently called on to fix the spinny tray since I'm one of the few that can see it.

I wasn't really hurt by the fall. My car isn't very high off of the ground, so I didn't have far to go. It was still embarrassing. I got my coffee and continued my uneventful drive. I drove all the way with the top down on my car. My doctor would be furious, but I wanted to enjoy the weather before the allergens are in full force.

When I got to the house, my dad and aunt started interrogating me about why it took so long to get there. My dad will call me constantly while I'm travelling. I have GPS, but it doesn't have traffic on it, so this is pretty useful. I also get weather updates. He was annoyed because I had the top down and didn't pick up until the rest stop. They were waiting for me so we could run a few errands in the convertible. Dad loves to make me drive, even if I'm falling asleep, he'll make me drive. I think he just likes looking around. He loves the convertible, too.

Now we're just relaxing and I'm writing yet another rambling post.

I picked up a new book when I was out. Changeless by Gail Carriger, it's the second Parasol Protectorate book. Eventually, I'll get my reviews up. I've started them, but can't concentrate enough to write a good review.

Tomorrow I'll be meeting grocery store guy for coffee.

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