Sunday, March 28, 2010

Going from bad to worse...

I woke up Monday in the worst pain I've had in a while, then had a nasty fall when getting up because my knee gave out with my ankle. I thought taking a shower and meds might help, but never made it into work. I was in tears. My boss was concerned that I might be more injured than I was letting on, so she had HR call to check on me and it resulted in me being taken to the emergency room to be checked out.

HR gave me two options, she could call an ambulance or pick me up, but I had to go. I opted for her to take me to avoid the ambulance fees.

I have been keeping the EDS quiet at work. It's no one's business and I worry about people holding it against me. I did end up fessing up to HR lady on the phone since they seemed so worried. It was a misguided attempt to get them to stop worrying, but it backfired and made them more concerned.

ER doctor seems to light up when I tell him about my condition. He calls my doctor at home and decides to stick me in the MRI. I bumped my head and figured I'd have X-rays and probably a CT scan. Maybe he was trying to make more money, but they did find something. I have a Chiari malformation.

Before knowing the results, I was stewing a bit thinking he was going to turn me into a guinea pig or money machine. It turns out that he was fascinated by the condition. Great...guinea pig...

At least I know what's causing some of my problems, but now I get to see another specialist.

They discharged me. The injuries...knee sprain, hip sprain, knot on the forehead & Chiari Malformation (not really an injury). I was given a large dose of pain meds. HR lady decided to have me stay at her house so I have someone around just in case. I think it's a bit odd, but she explains that they are responsible for my safety while I'm there and it's no problem for me to stay in her guest room. I still think it's very generous to invite a stranger to stay in one's home for an undetermined amount of time. We picked up my stuff from the hotel and I've been here for a week. I've slept through most of it and tried to work on some book reviews. I also finished Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Friday & Saturday I was feeling a lot better and Elle picked me up so I could get out for a bit. We went to the bookstore and mall. After one store at the mall, I was finished. I knew I wouldn't be able to do much, but that was disappointing.

My follow up with the doctor is Wednesday. I'm also waiting for my regular doctor to call me back. I may be going home. HR lady did tell me that the company apartment is vacant now and I get to stay there. It will be nice to stay in an apartment as opposed to the hotel, but it will all depend on what my doctors say. Things are up in the air right now.


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