Saturday, May 22, 2010


After much nagging from drunk, immature "disability" scene girl, I agreed to grab some lunch with her. I'm lucky that I live within walking distance to some really good, family run restaurants. The only disadvantage is that you have to walk uphill coming back after you're full.

The conversation isn't bad at first, but then she starts complaining about how her mom yells at her for what she's wearing and various other things that you'd hear from a 14 year-old.

I could only take so much of this. I would be more understanding if she was truly disabled. Her parents are. Her father was injured in Vietnam and her mother has some heart problems. They're very nice people. I agree with them. She doesn't help them with the household bills and when they ask her to help out, she refuses. She's moved out a few times, but it never lasts.

My attempts at helping her find a solution keep getting shot down. She can't wait for her parents to die so she can have the house to herself. I tell her she sounds like a teenager and it's fine to have fun, but she needs to find something to do to get her out of the house or just find a roommate and move out. They're around each other too much. You don't make a lot being on disability, but I'm sure she could rent a room or find some one to room with.

She gets mad at me and storms out, in tears, without paying for her food.

The owner comes over and I ask for the check. She only brings me the check for my food. I tell her that I'll cover her food as well, but she insists. She's going to make her pay for it the next time she sees her. I left her a huge tip to make up for it.

That was a few days ago.

Today, her mother stopped by to ask if I had seen her. She went out the other night and didn't come home. She's contacted the police, hospitals and is very worried. I tell her what happened when we went to lunch and that I haven't seen her since.

Mr. & Mrs. P have been our neighbors for a very long time. They're good people and I'm pretty sure she's just "run away," just like a 14 year old, and is probably at some one's house. I've checked her MySpace & Facebook to see if she's posted anything. Nothing. I start sending emails to a few people & start making calls. Two people saw her the night we had lunch.

Now I'm waiting for Betty Ann to pick me up so we can go to a few of her known hang-outs. I haven't heard back from everyone I called and I'm hoping someone knows who she's staying with. I just want to tell Mr. & Mrs. P that she's OK and just being a brat, then suggest they change the locks. She should have left them a note saying she was going to stay with someone for a few days.

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