Saturday, March 13, 2010

So much for "Southern Hospitality"

The hockey game was fun, despite the incredibly RUDE people of Raleigh.

At work, we'd been told a third person would be coming with us. One of the new Creative Directors (CD). No big deal. We tell him what time we plan to be at the airport, etc.

Wednesday night, I stayed at Elle's house and we got up and went to the airport. Got to Raleigh, Bob (client) picks us up and we go to their office. Bob is from Texas. I thought he was from NC, but he's not. He is definitely Texan.

We went over the budgets, got them signed, listened to CD's ideas and what they were doing and got ready to head to the game. We were on our best behavior. Bob kind of seemed bored while we were going over everything. It is boring. He's happy it's over and stands up and gleefully asks if we're ready for the game. We point to our Penguins shirts and he laughs. He pulls a Pens jersey out and we laugh. CD looks kind of uncomfortable because he's wearing his normal clothes. Normally, creatives are the fave at these things. Their stuff is WAY more interesting than ours, but for once, we're the fun ones!

All of us pile into the car and head to the game. I thought they had more of a box, but they don't really have those there. It was still a nice area and the seats were great! Big, cushy seats! Bob tells us that we can get whatever we want to eat or drink, it's being taken care of. I grab a Mountain Dew and he tells me I can get a beer, but I then have to tell him, I don't drink. Most people don't react to that well. I don't know why, but they don't. I don't care if others drink, I choose not to. Not to mention it would not mix well with my medicine. He's fine with it.

The game starts, we're into it, having fun. The first period ends and Elle and I head to the restroom. There is a line in front of the paper towel dispenser, I say excuse me to the woman in front of it, and she turns around and says "F*** you, you Yankee b****!" Huh? I decide to use my jeans to dry my hands instead. Elle just stood there w/ her mouth gaping. We go back to our seats and Bob asks what happened, so we tell him we were just yelled at, nothing to worry about. The 2nd period starts and we're fine.

During the 2nd intermission, Elle asks me to go with her to the smoking area. Bob has gone off somewhere and we found him out there too. We're off to the side, chatting and out of nowhere, this guy shoves me, hard.

I'm well aware that I'm wearing an opposing team shirt, but half of the people there were in Penguins jerseys. Probably three-fouths of the people out there were in Pens gear.

Normally, I'd go off and shove him back, but I'm with a client. Bob demands the guy apologize. He tells him to "F*** off." A few other Pens fans start crowding around.

This is awful! I'm technically at work, with a client who is about to kick this guys butt for me. How bad is this going to end up being for me? I'm in a fight stance, but I should not be fighting. I have my TENS on. Elle is horrified, but stands next to me anyway.

I go into "Yinzer mode" & get mouthy:

"So much for your 'Southern Hospitality!'"
"F*** you! Get out of our city!"
"Well, we could do that, but who would support your team? You should thank us for being here so you can keep them."

There are a few home team fans looking on with NO intention of helping this guy. The guy storms off. Bob chuckles, gives me one of those side buddy hugs & tells me I'm welcome to go with him to any game in the future. We got back to our seats and CD asks what happened. Elle tells him I'm not very popular there. A Hurricanes fan sitting near us overhears her and tell us that they're not too friendly down there, he's from CT and tells me there are a lot of Northern people down there and they don't like it and they're not very nice.

The game ends, Penguins lose, but we still had fun. Elle & CD go back to VA and I come home & worry about any backlash from the AE at work. I checked my work email after my doctor appointment and our AE had emailed Elle & I saying that Bob had a ton of fun with us and likes our "spunk." I shouldn't be in any trouble, but with new accounts they can be overly sensitive.

I'm not sure when we'll need to go down there again. Maybe I'll wear a Hurricanes shirt so they leave me alone next time.

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